HungerLIVE Wiki

A long time ago this wiki was active, it was a creative idea started by a young lonely boy with a newfound interest in a young adult novel. He met people through the wiki chat, and thought how cool it would be to have their own, private place to play pretend and waste away the days he'd rather forget about.

They were good times, they were strange times. To this day he still wonders who exactly all these people were, what happened to them, if they were really kids, if they were like him. It's been years now, everything's changed, but he still looks fondly back on those days of being 13 and making stupid jokes.

This wiki used to be something, not a place of information... or even really roleplay like it was advertised. It was a glorifed chat site. We had fun here, we made something together, we met people we probably never would've. I still wonder about you all from time to time. Not often, but sometimes. When I'm alone with my thoughts and a memory happens to float back to me.

It's been about 7 years.

If any of the original members of this community see this, please leave a comment to let me know.

Even if not.

I remember you.
